30th Ardmore High Reunion
Photos from the Fun Weekend of July 12, 2002
Making History!
Shots from the Dinner-Dance at Oak Hall.
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Finally, the food table is open for business. And it was worth waiting for!
On the left side of the table are Jeannie Willingham Samuel, Jody Medcalf (Paul Medcalf's wife), and Cindy Lewis Paul.
On the right side of the table are Darla Marr Bryant, Cheryl Orsmby Ramsey, and Carol Omtevedt Clymer.
Leaning against the bleachers are Tom Kittrell, ?, Brad Hallet, and &. Leaning against the wall is the
school's representative, watching the crowd having fun reuniting.
At the front door, by the Registration Table is Mike and Pam Askew, ?, Stan Key, and Bob Remindino.
Next picture
last updated: July 31, 2002
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